Friday, July 31, 2009

What can I do to fix this situation?

I need to get a job to impove the quality of life for my self and my growing family. The problem is that no matter were I go and how many applications I fill out I never get a call back. I know what the problem is but I can't fix it. I am 24 years old, I do have my HSD, but I weight only 95lbs, have acne and really bad teeth. I live in a small town that has a big Meth problem. Everyone who meets me assumes that I am on Meth also. I don't know why I am only 95lbs I eat well and have been working with my Dr. but I can not gain any weight nor can he figure out why. My teeth are a result of drug use, just not mine. When I was growing up my parents had a big drug problem and was too bussy doing there thing to make sure that I brushed my teeth. Since I was 18 I was told that I needed to get all my top teeth pulled and get dentures. I have got all the teeth I can pulled, all but the front 6, so the dentist can do the mold (3 out of the six are either broken off to the gum or

What can I do to fix this situation?
Find your local "community health center" and make an appointment with their social worker. There are many programs which vary state to state that can and will help you.
Reply:Your health problems will decrease when your teeth are right. I have saw this before. Just try to look your best and be nice when looking for a job and check back. If you bother the people at the local health dept and family services then they wil be more likely to help.


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