Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm paying almost $5,000 for my son's braces. Am I being overcharged?

I live in Tupelo, MS. Things are usually cheaper in MS than in most other states. My son just got braces on his teeth Thursday. I didn't do any price comparisons but now I wish I had. The total price for his braces, not including the "pre-braces" stuff that had to be done is $4,920. He's supposed to be in them for 18 months. I've been looking at other people's posts and it seems like I'm paying too much. I do have the option of paying for only what the dr. has already done and changing dr.s. My son's teeth are really crooked, with some of them sitting back farther than the others which puts a strain on the braces making this a more difficult case. Even so, I wonder if I should take him to some other ortho's to do some price comparisons. This will be a big inconvenience for him and me so I'd rather not have to do this if it's not necessary, but if it will probably save a considerable amount of money, it will be worth it.

I'm paying almost $5,000 for my son's braces. Am I being overcharged?
My son has braces now in Ohio... Ex husband and I both have insurance. Our insurance companies were charged 1500. each. So that is 3 grand from the insurance PLUS we have to pay $84 a month for 2 years and $500 down. Thats a total of about $5500. He is getting great care and work done and its worth it. If you do find it cheaper I dont think it would be a big difference and worth all the trouble
Reply:Save some money if you can. but get second rate work, and regret it later.
Reply:You posted in the politic section maybe you should ask again in the dental section. I don't know the answer because things have changed so much since my son got braces. I can't even remembered at the time but it was hard then %26amp; now I am thankful. I would use the internet as much as possible to ask as many people as possible.
Reply:I had speed braces for 6 months and paid $12,000. And I live in michigan with the bad economy :(

What I suggest is asking the ortho for a price break by showing some other price quotes around your area for the same exact dental work, it saves a lot of people money.
Reply:nope that is about right. My daughter got a spacer bar and braces and we aren't going to be in Ca for the duration of the time she has them they charged me for the work they would be able to do and I am paying 2,600 for it. Full price if we would have stayed here would have been 5600.
Reply:No, that is what I paid for my son's braces(live in Indiana). My dental insurace, the covered the maximum allowable under the plan, $1,500.

I was able to get a discount by several hundred dollars by paying the rest of the fee upfront via my charge card.


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