Friday, July 31, 2009

How do i make my swelling do down by tomorrow from my abses???

well sat my teeth were killing me sun my teeth were killing me and lip got swollen can i couldnt go 2 dr. until mon ok so mon i woke up whole left side of face was swollen and i went to dr. and they fixed my abses ok the operation is not over yet he just cleaned it out yesterday and i have to keep this hole in tooth 4 1 week then he is going to clean it a second time and put in a temp filling and 3rd week he is closing it up 4 good. I had a real bad one so thats why such a long time well anyway i woke up today my face is still swollen i look like i got a golfball in cheek and i look like i got punched in eye ok pain went away and a lil swelling but since i have missed 2 days of school i have 2 go tomorrow and i dont feel like having the question who did u fight with 1000 times so how do i reduce swelling

How do i make my swelling do down by tomorrow from my abses???
Try applying warm compresses and taking Motrin/Ibuprofen 200mg three times a day. This should help the swelling. Also you should be on antibiotics, these will help the swelling. You could have your parents contact the school, tell them whats happening, and get your work to do at home.


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