Monday, April 20, 2009

Question about flouride in teeth...?

1.) what is the role of flouride in toothpaste?

2.) according to scientists, in what two ways does flouride combat tooth decay?

3.) why have people added it to drinking supplies? is this practive good or bad?

4.) what is dental fluorisis?

5.) what is skeletal fluorisis?

6.) why must toothpaste be spit out?

7.) what did dr. frederick mckay discover were the so-called %26quot;colorado stain?%26quot;


if you know the answer of some of this questions, please indicate the number so it will be clearer for me to understand. ok?! pls and give me a brief explanation. ty! ^_^♥

Question about flouride in teeth...?
Check your department of health website or wikipedia, or Clinical practice of the dental hygienist by Esther Wilkins...

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