Monday, April 20, 2009

Post-Op Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

I had surgery on friday morning so it has been over 24 hrs and the bottom left side of jaw, lip and chin is still numb. The left side is more swollen than the right. I am also getting shooting pains but I am not sure if it is into one of the molars or into the socket. Is this pain and or numbness normal? Should I contact my Dr today or can I wait until monday?

Post-Op Wisdom Teeth Surgery?
ok my question is are u taking any type of paine medication and Antibiotics?

If you are,? wait until Monday..take your meds and rest and do nt do anything would make you putting presser on ur head and jaw. your jaw and face if still swollen its will take usually about 3 or More 4 to 5 days to get rid of this symptoms ..if it did continue you do need to contact ur OS..and discuss this with them ,,,may be you have an infection...but take your meds specially ur Antibiotic all the way through...drink alto%26#039;s of fluid and keep that area clean rinse your mouth ith warm sult water, NO SPIDING PR SUCKKING THROEUGH STRAW...that can open a dry soket and it could be very painfull. hopfuly you are not there..

god luck
Reply:Take some Ibuprophen and wait until Monday.
Reply:My advise is to call a doctor and follow their advice.

It is a blood thinner and will cause you to begin bleeding again.

I just had the same surgery yesterday. The numbness went away in about 4 hours. The shooting pain and the numbness is not normal. You should go see your doctor as soon as possible.
Reply:i also had 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out last friday too! drink the pain meds the dentist gave you and chew just soft food until you can finally eat normally. put on ice on the sore part every 20 mins: 20 mins with ice then 20 mins off the ice. also, gargling water with salt is also helpful! relax ur mind and dont stress urself....

i am still on medication! goodluck o the both of us!

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