Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear dr.sam, why more dental issues now?

comparing to the old generation, the dental issues are more now. is it due to the imperfect food (i mean natural-less) and the tooth pastes?

Dear dr.sam, why more dental issues now?
Todays generation consumes more soda/pop, refined sugars and acids in foods. The older generation did not have access to quite the same stuff. Food was prepared from scratch in the home rather than eaten on the run from fast food outlets. In pasckaged and processed food if you read the label you will see some form of sugar and or acid in the first few ingredients, and then it is washed down with Coke or Pepsi by the gallon. This is what is causing so many dental problems today.
Reply:Bottled water is part of the problem, people aren't getting enough fluoride.

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