Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Choking and babies?

I give my 8 month onld little Gerber puffies, i am VERY afraid to gove him anything else. he has 2 bottom teeth, the dr says cherrios but those seem WAY too hard, can i give him watermelon? what have you given your baby for finger foods that have made you feel safer? I CANNOT bring myself to give him cherrios, when he eats his puffy i am like a nut case thinking he is going to choke. I want to let him learn to feed himself but am WAY to afraid...what are your experiences???

Choking and babies?
I know you are scared of Cheerios, but they actually melt in the mouth very easily - you can try it yourself.

We also gave our baby the silken-style tofu, which is super mushy. Any mushy ripe fruit is good, too.
Reply:you can give the baby any kind of finger food not just to much.
Reply:watermelon is worse then cheerios.
Reply:Believe it or not, he would be able to eat cheerios. But with you not being comfortable with it. Give him some of the baby cookies/biscuits, they have baby food that is perfect for their tiny fingers to pick up. French fries, watermeleon, bananas, popsicles, carrots, peas, Just anything soft in small pieces.
Reply:Just don't feed him apples. Even cut up ones. Because when my mother was young, her youngest brother (who was 11 months at the time) choked on an apple and she pick it out of his throat with her fingers.
Reply:The Gerber puffs are awesome. Snap the Cheerios in half and just sit with him while he eats. Cut the watermelon small and he'll be fine. Try Kicks cereal they melt quick. You can even do tiny pieces of those Gerber crackers and snack fruit bars. Just make sure he has a cup or bottle to have something to help wash it down. I was the same way. He will be fine. Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I would stay with the stage one Gerber for. Cheerios is to hard, and watermelon has a lot of seeds in them even ones that are hard see. My kids had trouble eating a lot of the food until that got allot more teeth. So just be careful
Reply:Keep in mind that puffs are designed for young children. If you haven't tried them before, put one in your mouth and wait for it to dissolve. It won't take long, and baby has a lot more saliva in his mouth. So even if he swollows it whole it will dissolve very quickly. You don't have to give him cherrios until you feel comfortable, but your baby can probably handle them. Try just one at a time and watch him closely.

Macaronni is a good finger food, in small pieces.
Reply:We started our baby on the puffs at 8 months. We have a 10 year old and with both babies- I was terrified of choking so stick close by.

I cut up watermelon in little pieces and put them on the tray for our baby to eat- she loves it!

Cut the cheerios in 1/2 and let your baby have it that way. OUr baby loves fruit loops- and I break them in 1/2 for her.

she loves spiral noodles with butter and parm. cheese- and I cut those in 1/2 for her.

I just started at 1 year to give her fruit cocktail- but not the grapes or the pineapple slices in it and she loves it.

Most people are more relaxed on this- but I tend to take things slowly.
Reply:The cheerios are much like the puffs and dissolve quickly. Just watch him when he eats anything. My son is 11 months old and I have just started giving him cut up fruit and veggies. The watermelon would have to be cut up very small and seeds removed. My son didn't seem to like it. Also, watermelon has a large amount of water (obviously) which may cause runny stools.

When he gets older, cut the pasta pickups by Gerber in half. My son loves them.
Reply:At 8 mos my kids were chewing on crackers, eating the rice puffs, eating cheerios, eating cut up very ripe soft fruit. Babies chew with their gums very effectively. Take a first aid course to make yourself feel better so you can react if child chokes. Otherwise just make sure child is sitting still when eating and supervise him. Within a couple of months he can eat little pieces of meat too.
Reply:I think you may be able to calm some of your fears by taking a baby CPR course - that way you can have the peace of mind that you can help your son if he does choke.

If your son does have a moment when something gets caught in his throat, it is critical that you stay calm. Panicking will make it harder for you to help him and may also panic him as well. If he is coughing, then you have to leave him alone to cough - it is his body's way of clearing his throat and lungs. Coughing requires air, so if he's coughing, he's breathing.

That being said, there are a number of ways to assess your son's readiness for certain foods. I have attached a great little article.

Cheerios should be fine - remember that they get soft in liquids very quickly.

Just go slowly - that way you will both have time to adjust. He'll be eating on his own in no time - and you'll be comfortable with it, too! Good luck.
Reply:Gerber put out little finger foods for baby's just starting on them they are little fruit pieces and they are soft .Food lion carries them and I 'm sure other stores do to.
Reply:Cheerios is the best starter finger food.

they will soften as he plays with them in his mouth and if he should swallow one before it does the hole will provide air follow. Plus they're healthy.


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