Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are humans vegetarians or omnivores?

Dr. Richard Leakey, a renowned anthropologist, summarizes, "You can't tear flesh by hand, you can't tear hide by hand. Our anterior teeth are not suited for tearing flesh or hide. We don't have large canine teeth, and we wouldn't have been able to deal with food sources that require those large canines."

The long human intestinal tract actually makes it dangerous for people to eat meat. The bacteria in meat have extra time to multiply during the long trip through the digestive system, and meat actually begins to rot while it makes its way through the intestines. Many studies have also shown that meat can cause colon cancer in humans.

Are humans vegetarians or omnivores?

Just because nuts have more total protien, doesn't mean its the same as protien from meat. We get complete protiens, which contain all the amino acid you body needs. Plants contain incomplete protiens, which do not have all the amino acids that your body needs. A variety of plants must be eaten to get all the necessary amino acids. This is evidence that we evolved as omnivores because there are few if any places that have enough of a variety locally to support vegetarian humans.

Whether or no we shouldn't eat meat now that we can get other food and be healthy is a completely different argument than if we evolved to bo omnivores.


The idea that we were not designed to eat meat is complete and utter BS.

We are most definately omnivores. We die if we don't get meat. We can substitues, but it must be done carefully because plants do not provide complete protiens. They must be combined to survive. This is only possbile now because we can ship different plants from around the world that can be properly combine. There are few if any places in the world where humans could have enough options to get protiens though places other than meat. We could not run out and take down a deer with our bare hands because we have evolved using tools and our brains.

Don't turst an argument just because its from an "expert". He is an anthropolgist. He is not an expert in anatomy. Do not trust him.

Meat does not causse colon cancer. It has been shown that diets high in meat might increase the risk. This is VERY different from "causing" cancer. If it caused cancer we would have died out long ago.

Become a vegetarian for personal reasons, not because of what people like this jackass say. Vegetarians are considered healthier because they pay closer attention to their health than most other people. You can still eat meat and be healthy.

*Anyone who thinks that humans are not desined to eat meat, PLEASE explain to me how you think this is possible if 99.9% of humanity would become malnourished if they only ate what would be in their local environment.

Just because an explaination sounds nice and comes from "experts" doesn't mean it can't be full of poo. Use your head. People can only be counted on as experts if they are speaking within their own field of study, and even then there are tons of bozos being disowned by their collegagues. We will DIE if we do not eat meat unless we take tons of caution and imort food from around the world. We are OMNIVORES. You think eating meat is wrong, don't eat it. Don't claim its bad for us just because you want it to be.

*Note on protien added
Reply:"The grading of forms, organic functions, customs and diets showed in an evident way that the normal food of man is vegetable like the anthropoids and apes and that our canine teeth are less developed than theirs and that we are not destined to compete with wild beasts or carnivorous animals." - Charles Darwin.

The “mystery” of apes for occasional violent behavioral, while meat eating habit was not well studied. What they do eat is fruit, seeds, leaves, flowers, and pith. There is a category called "Miscellaneous", which for most species amounts to less than 5% of their diet, and for chimps and redtail monkeys less than 1%. Any way you slice it, their diet is at least 95% plants. Nevertheless human should not compare to a chimp, does not require meat to become occasionally violent, neither for survival anymore.

There is no question that humans are capable of digesting meat. But just because we can digest animals does not mean we're supposed to, or that it will be good for us. We can digest cardboard. That does not mean we should.

Among all creatures on the earth, only human “omnivore” (psychological myth) that our tooth could not crush the bones and shell. Though how well you cook, our digestive system could not assimilate the bones and shell. Hence, human body does not “tolerate” to dietary bones, shells, excessive fat, skin, intestines and blood. The more meat we eat, the sicker we get. Meat is poison to us. It's the primary reason we get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and every other major degenerative disease. If eating meat were natural, it wouldn't destroy our health.

If you often relate a man to the closest primate like chimps, why don’t you collaborate with other major apes like guerillas? No where man could pursuit the diet perfection of omnivores like bears and dogs, lol!

Put aside all our psychological belief. If you know a bit science, teach your kids some scientific facts that human anatomy is more resembled to vegetarian diet…
Reply:King makes sense!


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